Sunday, January 18, 2015

If Me Loving Myself Makes You Mad...Stay Mad.

Well, well, well. We're almost three weeks into 2015 and I'm just now posting. Blame my affinity for naps and almost non-existent attention span. Anyways, I didn't want to be cliche and write a "new year, new me" post, but I'm going to do it and y'all will deal. 2014 was such an eye-opening year for me in terms of how I view myself and those around me. It was an emotionally trying time, particularly the last few months, but I can honestly say something amazing happened during that period: I learned to love myself.

I've always been rather vain as a defense mechanism against the crippling sense of inadequacy I still sometimes feel. However, lately, I've found myself admiring the things about myself that I used to desperately try to "fix." My hair, my dark skin, my Nigerian name. All of those things make me the amazing individual I now know I am, and I refuse to keep company with anyone who disputes that.

My hair? It defies gravity and has a versatile nature that I've just begun to explore.
My skin? It gives a whole new meaning to the old saying, "The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice."
My name?  It represents a unique part of my heritage that I'm still discovering.

I'm no longer going to make self-deprecating comments about myself to make appease others. I am incredibly smart, classically beautiful, and unapologetically Black. If you don't like that I'm acknowledging that, just know that I don't care. I won't set myself on fire to keep you warm.

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